great! now i know my type

but what do i do with this knowledge... ?

i’m glad you asked!

knowing your strengths means your can nurture & celebrate them.

being able to recognize your weaknesses keeps you on track.

how that looks in real life?

that’s where the roadmap comes in.

so let’s get to it!

your strengths 🌟

here’s the good news...

your weaknesses 🕳️

here’s what you’ll need to watch out for...

— you can easily fall into the same bad habits

— you may let good opportunities pass you by

— you may depend too much on one pilar of stability (and be devastated if it fails)

your roadmap 🛣️

okay, how do i navigate all this?

that depends on where you’re at right now...

this plan isn’t written in stone, these steps are like goalposts that move with you as your grow.

they’re more like guidelines anyway!

  1. determine what income level you need to sustain the life you want

    --- here’s a calculator to help you figure that $$ out

  2. find a job that allows for the life you want

    --- remote work? summers off? clock out at 5pm sharp? three day weekends? the world is your oyster, flexible work arrangements are out there!

  3. set up automatic savings to build your own security

    --- hysa (high yield savings account)

    --- 401k

    --- ira or roth ira

  4. browse the job market once a year

    --- no matter how content you are at your job, the truth is no job is truly secure. layoffs, pandemics, recessions, all sorts of things outside of your control happen. keeping a pulse on “what’s out there” gives you perspective that comes in handy if things do change.

want more personalized career advice?

book a free 1:1 career consult call with Calli here 💫

for an explanation of your “type 4: take it easy” click here

now let’s get it!!